Access Bars session with Aude Boyer in Chamonix and Les houches
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Access Bars® Session

Offer to your self a complete relaxation & let go

Well-being and relaxation... sleep improvement, stress reduction, acts on phobias, fears, addictions... everything that limits you in life!!

32 points on the head that allow you to release everything that limits you in life.

  • Durée
    60 mins
  • Prix
    60€ / l’heure. 150€ les 3 séances, 240€ les 5 séances. Tarif Fidélité: 40€, +5 séances.
  • Thérapeute
    Aude Boyer

A session of Bars is like pressing the “reset” button on our computer. It’s a process designed to facilitate a greater openness to consciousness, releasing the limitations of our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

There is 32 points on the head, which gently touched, release an electromagnetic charge allowing, in addition to an intense relaxation, an effortless release of everything that limits us in life

The session are open to everyone, all ages, without any restriction; depression, migraine, sleep disorder, addiction, phobias, body injury…

The Bars®

I practice energetic sessions and psycho-energetic sessions. For the most part, I use the tools of Access Consciousness*, ( I do life coaching.

What I like is to make you access your consciousness, to live with ease and create, generate the life you really want, more simply to be YOU and only YOU.
I accompany you to free you from all the limitations that lock you into a pattern that you no longer want.

We move forward together.

I accompany children, teenagers and adults.

What is a typical session like? Lying comfortably on a massage table, the Access Bars sessions are done by a light touch of your skull (therefore suitable for non-touch people) according to a precise "mapping" thus creating electromagnetic bars that will dissipate your beliefs, limitations , thoughts, conclusions, and everything you carry from your ascendants, in ALL areas of your life.

If this is your CHOICE, because I remind you change is a CHOICE, a will.
Stress, burn out, phobias, fears, addiction; tobacco, alcohol..., sometimes one session can be enough.

Improvement of sports performance, help with exams...
This creates space in your mind, soothes your mind, your pain (psychological and physical)

It is freeing you from a huge baggage that often did not belong to you. (family, entourage...)
I share with you simple, even childish and above all extremely effective tools that will allow you to accomplish yourself with ease, joy and glory (= exuberance of life).

As the body and the spirit are intimately linked, I also practice body processes which evacuate, transmute the energies blocked in you.
I am also an Access Bars* facilitator, I lead trainings so that you, in turn, can savor awareness by learning this method, which is so simple and so effective when you drop all your repetitive patterns. Learn to ask questions, because the question opens, the conclusion closes. What else is possible? And let life answer you!!